A Guerra dos Tronos - Capítulo 6
Texto em itálico
Catelyn II | ||||||||||
Capítulo de A Guerra dos Tronos | ||||||||||
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PDV | Catelyn | |||||||||
Página | PT-BR Leya (Outras versões) | |||||||||
Cronologia dos capítulos (Todos) | ||||||||||
Uma carta secreta de Lysa Tully, sua irmã, leva Catelyn a convencer Ned a ir a Porto Real e virar Mão do Rei.
Ned e Catelyn estao em seu quarto após fazerem amor. Desconfortável com o calor do recinto (aquecido pelas nascentes subterrâneas de água quente do castelo), Ned abre a janela. Enquanto ela o observa da cama, Catelyn vê que ele aparenta o mesmo de quando eles se casaram e espera que ainda possam conceber mais um filho.
Eles discutem sobre a proposta do Rei Robert Baratheon, a qual Ned pretende negar. Catelyn insiste que ele deve aceita-la para nao ofender o Rei. Enquanto Catelyn recorda do preságio do Lobo Gigante morto por um Veado, Ned deseja que seu irmão Brandon pudese ainda estar vivo para ele entao ser o Lorde de Winterfell.
Eles sao interrompidos por Desmond, que diz que [[Mesitre] Luwin tem uma mensagem urgente para Ned. O Meistre entra e diz que tem uma mensagem. Foi deixada uma caixa de madeira entalhada em seu observatório enquanto ele estava dormindo; a caixa possuia ótimas novas lentes para o observatório. A forma que foi entregue fez o Meistre suspeitar e entao descobrir uma mensagem escondida num fundo falso. Meistre Luwin diz então que ele nao a leu e nao a entregará a ned, visto que esta endereçada à Catelyn.
Catelyn takes the message apprehensively. It is from her sister Lysa, and written in a secret language only the two sisters share. Catelyn immediately burns the message after reading it, but explains to Ned that the message claims Jon Arryn was murdered by the Queen and the Lannisters. Catelyn says that now Ned must be the King's Hand, to find the truth behind Lysa's accusations. Maester Luwin agrees with Catelyn, because the Hand has great powers that will help determine the truth and protect Lysa and her son. Then Catelyn tells Ned that he would not leave a man that he loves like a brother, King Robert, to face the Lannisters on his own.
Ned deliberates, and then makes his decision: he will go, but Catelyn must stay behind, to govern Winterfell and teach Robb the things he needs to know. He says that young Rickon may stay with her as well, but the others must come south--Sansa to wed Joffrey, Arya to learn the ways of a southern court. Cat reluctantly agrees but begs that 7-year-old Bran be allowed to stay, but Ned insists Bran will be needed to bridge the gap between Robb and Joffrey. The house will be the safer for it, and Catelyn has to agree. Catelyn feels lonely already.
Maester Luwin asks about Jon Snow. Ned can feel the anger in Catelyn. Catelyn remembers the bastard child that Ned brought back with him in the early days of their marriage. She understood Ned having bastard sons while away, but could not understand raising a bastard in the castle. There were rumors that Ashara Dayne was his mother, but Ned forbade her to ask about him, saying only that Jon was his blood. Ned would never send him away, and Catelyn could never forgive him that. Catelyn insists that Jon must leave, but Ned tells her there would be no place for Jon at court. Maester Luwin mentions Jon Snow's ambitions to join the Night's Watch. Ned considers this for a while, and finally agrees to let Jon take the black, though not until they are ready to leave for the south. He wants Jon to enjoy his last few days, and decides that when it is time, he will tell him himself.